Monday, December 29, 2014

Inviting the Faerie Folk into Your Life for Joy and Abundance

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday! Today, I'd like to talk about faeries and ways that you can invite their energies into your life and home. I have been working with faery energy a lot lately and have had a wonderful experience so I thought I'd share some tips with you. Before I tell you how to invite these playful energies in, I'd like to skim over some basic information about faeries. This post is just a starter so if you feel the need to do more research then please do so:

First and Foremost, BELIEVE: This seems like an obvious step but it's necessary. This is the key necessary to open the door to the world of the faeries.

Faeries Are Astral Beings: This is important to know when allowing these energies into your home or work space. Because faeries dwell in the astral realm, this means that they are not unconditionally loving such as angels. They do get annoyed and it is very possible to "piss them off".

You Must Respect Animals and the Environment:  Faeries are directly connected to nature and because of this, they are sensitive to mother earth. They do not like when people disrespect animals or abuse the earth. Take good care of God's creatures and they will respect you.

There Are Good AND Bad Faeries: Yes, these beings are subject to polarity, so there are good and bad faeries. Make sure you call upon the right energies and be specific about what you will and will not allow to come through. Even the kind faeries enjoy playing tricks out of love.

Know That Once You Invite Faeries in, You Will Begin to See or Hear Them:  When you begin to take steps to invite the faeries into your life, you will begin to see glimpses of them. They may appear during meditation, in your peripheral vision or as you turn your head. They are quick but you will see them scurry on by. If you are clairaudient, you might hear their childlike laughter.

Want to welcome faery energies into your life? Here is how you can start! 

Create a Space for the Faeries: Set aside a corner, table or even a room to set up an altar for the faeries. Make sure this place is clean! In this space you can place different items such as: 
- Gemstones: Rose Quartz, Garnet, Fluorite, Green Aventurine.
- Natural items such as branches, leaves, plants and rocks.
- Candles
- Artwork and statues
- Incense: Rose, Lavender, Jasmine
- Get creative! Add some glitter if you like.

This space can also be setup in your backyard

**If you need financial help creating the altar, you can ask the faerie folk for assistance. Tell them your intentions and that you'd like help setting up a space for them. This is how I created my altar ;)

Simply Call on the Faeries: If you want the faeries to come into your life, all you really need to do is ask. Ask for abundance, happiness or joy. Leave a little offering such as berries for them if you like. Remember to call upon loving faeries that will bring blessings, joy and prosperity to you. 

Go outside and Connect with Nature:  One of the best ways to connect with the faery realm is to be in nature more. They are elemental spirits that are in direct contact with nature. Go into the forest and ask the faeries to sit and meditate with you. As always, make sure you surround yourself in Divine white light for protection first.

Purchase a Faery Oracle Deck or Faery Art Book:  This is not a necessary step but I find it does help attract faery energies. I would highly recommend any one of Brian Froud's decks or art books. The Fairy Ring deck by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason is very powerful and definitely transmits elemental energies. Art is channeled information so I strongly believe faery energy is transferred into these pieces of art. 

I hope this has given you some helpful tips on how to work with the faeries. Peace and love to you all

Love and Ascension,



Monday, December 22, 2014

Practical Ways to Ground-When Visualization Is Not Enough

Hi everyone. Today, I'd like to touch on the topic of grounding. In the past, I made a post that explained how to ground your energy through visualization. Sometimes, however, this method just doesn't work well enough to ground your energy for a long period of time. See how you can ground your energy and feel grounded throughout the day:

1. Eat: I find this to be my most effective method for grounding my energy. Eating meat, protein or foods with fat can help to ground your energy and keep you grounded for a longer period of time. The energy of these foods is at a lower vibration than fruits and vegetables so they get the job done

2. Spend Time with Pets: The energy of animals is very grounding. If you'd like to feel more grounded and centered, spend some time with pets...whether they be yours or someone else's.

3. Get Outside: You must be in nature. This does not include running around outside and grocery shopping. You would need to take the time to actually sit in the park or near the water and relax with the intention of grounding your energy.

4. Clean Up: Cleaning the house is great for grounding your energy. In fact, any mundane task is good for included. 

I hope these methods will help you to feel more grounded and centered. Merry Christmas everyone!!

Love and Ascension,


Monday, December 15, 2014

Open Your Heart- Why the Heart Is Important and Ways to Keep It Open

Hi everyone! Christmas is next week and I hope you're as excited as I am to spend time with loved ones and eat lots of good food. Today, my post will touch on the heart center. Through my experience as a spiritual student  and spiritual guide, I have noticed a connection between spiritual health, well being and the heart center. I want to help you understand how important the heart is for our livlihood as humans and as spiritual beings. Below I have listed some information on why the heart center is important to keep open:

Your Heart Is the Gateway to Your Soul Memory

Yes, the heart is the house in which your soul resides. Everything you have experienced in past lives or your present life, whether you remember it or not, is documented in the depths of your heart. This is the key to remembering why you came here, what purpose you serve and what will be the best direction for you to take. If you happen to be a Starseed or Earth angel, your memories can be accessed through here. My guides want me to also mention your Akashic Records and that it can be accessed through the heart flame.

Your Heart Knows the Truth

If you need to know the truth about any person or situation, this is where the answer lies. The Universe has given you all the answers and has stored them in your heart.This is connected with your psychic self. The heart is connected to your psychic centers, including the solar plexus, and they work together to give you information that will benefit you. The way you tap into this is to listen to your feelings. If something does not FEEL right, it definitely is not. If you feel compelled to go in a certain direction and it FEELS right, follow through with this feeling.

Your Angels and Guides Connect with You through Your Heart

While this isn't the only center used for Divine connection, this is one of the most important centers they choose to work with. You are connected with Divine love through your heart flame and they will send you their love through your heart.

The Heart is the Key to Your Life Purpose, Your Joy

One thing I feel has been a great detriment to our society, is not listening to our feelings when it comes to our careers. The priority for most people is to make money and make it fast, regardless of how it affects their health and well being. I'm here to tell you that when you follow your heart and listen to it's messages pertaining to what is right for your life, things will flow a lot easier. You have every right as a human being to live your truth and your joy, and your heart will take you there.

You Will Attract the Love You Deserve

If we want to attract the love we want and deserve in our lives, our hearts must stay open. At the same time, it is important to have boundaries and self love by stating what we will allow and not allow to accept for ourselves. Keep your heart open to attract love from yourself, the Universe and from others. 

You might be asking, "Well, how do I keep my heart open?" Here are some ways to do it:

Heal and Release

One mistake people make is they resist the soul's desire for healing. Trauma is a part of everyone's life as we've all had to go through experiences that caused a great deal of pain. The issue comes when you resist the pain. If you feel the need to cry, by all means do it. If you feel the need to vent or express your anger, please do it in a safe way and in a gentle environment. Whatever you do, don't resist the need to heal and release these emotions. What can happen if you dont, is the emotions will begin to fester and will cause problems in other areas of your life...until you decide to release it, this is how it will be. Love yourself enough to have mercy on your heart and allow it purge.

Tap into Your Joy

Do something you love doing, whether it be singing, dancing or working on a project. Engage in activities that cause you to open up your energy and feel vibrant. 

Do Cardio Exercise

From my experience and the experience of others, cardio exercise is excellent at removing heart blockages. Get creative with this as you don't want it to feel like a chore. 

Wear More Green

This is a very simple step to opening the heart. It is important that you do this with intention. "I wear this green blouse, bag or necklace with the intention of expanding my heart center so I may receive and give love in all ways"

Send Love to Yourself 

You can do this by putting your hand on your heart and stating positive affirmations. These can be affirmations of self love, self forgiveness, gratitude or understanding. Whatever theme you decide on, just make sure it's coming from a place of love and compassion. "I love you (your name). You are so wonderful in every way", " I forgive myself for not loving myself enough". Know that you are perfect in every way and take steps to show yourself that you believe this. 

Keep Heart Healing Stones with You- Rose Quartz, Morganite and Green Aventurine

These stones are excellent for keeping the heart center open and vibrant. I notice that Rose Quartz is great for self love, comfort and healing a broken heart. Morganite is a great stone for connecting you to Divine love. Green Aventurine is my personal favorite as it helps to heal the heart and remove blockages while also attracting abundance. Anything pink or green is great for the heart as green represents the heart chakra and pink represents the upper heart chakra.

Call on Archangel Raphael or Archangel Chamuel

These angels are wonderful for opening the heart, healing a broken heart and providing assistance with attracting love. All you have to do is simply call on them and ask for their help. Be specific! Tell them what you are feeling and what you wish to receive.

I really hope this information has given you a little insight into the heart center and ways to keep it open and receiving love. Until next time, have a safe and wonderful week everyone :)

Love and Ascension,


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Increasing Your Intuition

Hi everyone. I hope everybody is enjoying their time preparing for Christmas. Today I'd like to touch on ways that you can increase your intuition. What many people don't understand is that intuition is a very natural thing. Some people are born with their abilities stronger than others (which is sometimes due to past lives) but everyone has basic intuitive skills that they can build upon. Here are some simple ways that you can increase your intuition and psychic abilities:

1. Believe: This is one of the most important steps to increasing your intuition. You must believe that you have intuitive abilities and also believe that you can strengthen them. Perhaps you've seen children's movies that emphasized the importance of "believing" so their dreams can come true or something of that nature. Well, I'm here to tell you that belief is indeed important. You believing opens up the gateway to abilities and opportunities that weren't possible for you before, simply because you brushed them off as "garbage".

2. Meditation: Meditation is the foundation of spiritual growth and enhancing your spirituality. People don't understand how important this step really is.What meditation does is it quiets the mind, releases unnecessary energy back into the universe and also allows your spirit to expand which increases your awareness. In order for you to hear your higher self or spiritual helpers, your mind must be quiet to a certain degree. It is vital that you understand, however, that meditation must become a routine. Meditating 5-10 minutes once a week will not increase your intuitive abilities. Devote 10 minutes everyday or every other day to meditation and build upon the frequency if you can. You will see an enormous difference in your intuition and spirituality overall.

3. Pay Attention: A very important step to increasing your intuition is paying attention to your body's signals. Many times, our intuition gives us signs through our physical bodies. There are different kinds of abilities including clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairgustance, etc. You can find details on these abilities in my blog entitled "Psychic Abilities- How to Recognize Them". The more you acknowledge your feelings, the more they will present themselves to you. Intuition is like a muscle that you have to train, so have patience with the process.

4. Eat More Indigo and Purple Foods: This would include blackberries, eggplants, grapes, etc. Eat these foods stating the intention aloud "I eat these foods with the intention of enhancing and increasing my intuition and psychic abilities". Truthfully, fresh vegetables overall will help to increase your vibration while also expanding your intuition. 

5. Work with Archangel Raziel and Archangel Uriel: Archangel Raziel is the Keeper of the Mysteries of God. He can help to increase clairvoyance, psychic abilities and also help you get in touch with spiritual knowledge. Archangel Uriel is "God's Light" and is known for giving signs and warnings to the people of Earth. He is typically associated with claircognizance. All you have to do is call on them and ask for their assistance.

6. Wear Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst or Clear Quartz: These gemstones have been said to increase psychic abilities and intuition. Lapis Lazuli, a very ancient stone, can help you tap into the truth of any situation. Of course you're not limited to these stones. There are many different gemstones that assist in enhancing intuition. See which ones work for you.

7. Listen to Binaural Beats: There are different frequencies of binaural beats that can help to strengthen your intuition. There are some specifically for your crown or third eye chakras and there are some suited for enhancing certain abilities such as clairaudience. This again requires routine. Listen to these frequencies for about 30 minutes a day to see a difference. You do not have to sit down and do nothing while listening to them but it might be best to so you can catch any intuitive impressions you may receive.

8. Purchase a Divination or Psychic Development Oil:  There are many oils on the market today made specifically for increasing intuition. If you want to start simple, you can purchase a Frankincense and Myrrh oil or Eucalyptus Oil. These are great for opening the crown and third eye chakras.

9. Keep Your Energy Cleansed and Your Vibration High:  Keeping your energy cleansed and your vibration high will help to increase your intuitive abilities because you will become in touch with higher realms. I give tips on cleansing your energy in my post called "How to Cleanse Your Energy."

10. Trust: The final step is so important to increasing your intuition and it's closely related to the first step. Trust all the messages you receive from the Divine. What you can do to build your trust is journaling. Write down all the impressions you receive and let them go. In time, you will see how the messages unfold.

I hope these tips will help you to increase your intuition. The tips I have provided are the most simple and inexpensive ways to do so. If you are seriously considering a career that involves doing readings, look into becoming a Reiki Practitioner or receive a Psychic Attunement from a spiritual teacher. Have a great day :)

Love and Ascension,


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How to Manifest Financial Abundance

Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Today I want to touch on ways to manifest financial abundance. Manifesting money is not just about working, like many people believe. Your mind must be in the correct state to manifest that which you desire. Below I've listed some tips that have worked for me and still work for me. Try them and see if they work for you as well :)

1. Prayer: We often see the word prayer and believe this is synonymous with begging. Prayer is simply setting an intention and releasing it to God and the Universe. As a matter of fact, begging will only create a blockage in manifesting abundance because it is based in the emotion of worry, fear, anxiety, etc. Pray when you are relaxed (perhaps after meditation) and affirm that your prayers will be answered. Words and feelings carry vibration so keep them positive and carefree. Keep in mind that prayers are not always answered in the way we'd expect so be open to all solutions to your problems or concerns.

2. Let Go: When you set an intention or say a prayer to receive money, let go of this intention. Once you state an intention, the universe "grabs a hold of it" and starts working on it. Worrying and picking at the intention will only serve to create a blockage in your energy. Set your intention, allow the universe to work it out, then be open to receiving solutions and the answer to your prayers.

3. Visualization: Visualization is an important step when it comes to manifesting anything that you desire. See yourself in a state of abundance and feel how you would feel if you received the money that you want. When you visualize yourself receiving money, make it a believable amount..start small if you need to. You need to believe in your visualization in order for it to work. You'll know if you believe in your visualization or not based on how you feel. Do you feel relaxed? Heavy? Unsure? You should always feel at ease with what you're visualizing.

4. Do Something You Love: Yes, feeling joy is a great way to manifest money. Feeling happy and joyous opens up your energy and allows it to receive more of the same. This goes for work and career as well. I know times are tough, but if you find you're at a crossroads as to what to do in terms of your career, choose that which brings you joy. That which brings you joy is part of your life purpose. When you follow your life purpose, you will begin to attract the money and assistance needed to support you on your journey.

5. Wear Green Aventurine, Citrine or Tiger's Eye gemstones: These stones have been said to bring forth abundance and prosperity. Sit with each stone to see which one resonates with your energy before purchasing. There are many other stones that help attract financial abundance, so see which ones you feel drawn to.

6. Call on the Angels/Deities of Prosperity: Angels and deities known to bring prosperity are Archangel Ariel, Archangel Raphael (associated with healing and abundance), Goddess Abundantia, Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Green Tara. Build a relationship with the angels and deities you feel drawn to.

7. Express Gratitude: This is the 7th tip but by far one of the most important steps you can take to manifest financial abundance. Always be grateful for what it is you already have. It can be difficult to do this if we're in a state of turmoil, but know that expressing gratitude will always attract more things to be grateful for. If you find it hard to express gratitude about your financial situation, find something else to be grateful for. Notice your feelings once you express opens your heart and your spirit, which is the key to receiving wealth in all it's forms.

8. Work with the Phases of the Moon: On a more physical level, working with the moon phases has given myself and others wonderful results with manifesting money. This will be an abundance/prosperity ritual done on the waxing moon. I prefer to do this on the Thursday before the moon becomes completely full. You'll need a green candle (white works well also if you charge it with intention), Money Drawing Oil or Patchouli Oil, a green aventurine gemstone and a clear quartz point. Anoint the candle with the oil while also stating your intention aloud and focusing on the desired results (visualization is very important here!). Call in Archangel Raphael, Goddess Abundantia or any other prosperity angels/deities, to help you manifest your desires. Surround the candle with the stones. I put the green aventurine on one side of the candle and the clear quartz on the other side with the point facing the green aventurine. Light the candle and allow it to burn all the way through. You can also create your own ritual and use different stones, oils, deities, etc. Do what works for you.

I hope that these tips on manifesting financial abundance will serve you well on your journey. Take care!

Love and Ascension,


Thursday, November 20, 2014

How to Cleanse Your Energy

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their week. Today I'd like to touch on the topic of aura cleansing. Whether you realize it or not, we as energetic beings, tend to pick up on the energies of others. This is especially true if you are an extra sensitive person. Empaths and Intuitives must cleanse their auras more often because they pick up on energies a lot easier. One thing I notice that can happen when the aura is not cleansed, is a feeling of being anxious and overwhelmed. This can be due to someone else's anxiety that has been absorbed or it could be from the wide variety of emotions being absorbed during the day. If they are not released, they can cause anxiety. 

Below are some tips to cleanse the aura and also some ways to shield yourself from picking up on more than you can handle:

1. Drink water...lots of it

One thing I notice cleanses the energy quite well is water. Most people probably don't drink enough water during the day. I know many times I have to remind myself or have someone else remind me to drink water. Remember that we are made up of mostly water. Our physical and spiritual bodies are connected so if the physical body is experiencing something, the spiritual body will be affected. Water is a wonderful way to cleanse your physical and spiritual body of toxins, waste material and unwanted energies. A good friend of mine named Dainichi Lazuli once told me that drinking water is like ingesting white light. Keep that in mind. You will notice the difference in your energy after drinking enough water during the day.

**HINT!: Psychics and Intuitives often tap into the solar plexus chakras. Water keeps the solar plexus clean and working well.

2. Take a Shower

Yes, taking a shower haha. This is a very good method for energy cleansing. This can't be any old shower however. It must be a shower with intention and visualization. Take a shower and visualize the water removing all the heavy, unwanted energies from your body and spirit. See all of these energies going down the drain.

3. Use the Bathroom

Oh yes, I have found this to be true. This is another reason why drinking water is important as it helps to flush your kidneys and other vital organs. When I say use the bathroom, I am hinting towards number 1 and number 2. I find keeping the kidneys and intestines clean is a great way to help cleanse the aura and raise your vibration. Pay attention to how your belly feels. See if  there is a connection between your vibrational level and your last....uhmm..deposit ^_^

**This is something that is wonderful for maintenance/keeping your energy clear long term. 

4. Eat Fruits and Veggies

Food is a very important component when it comes to keeping your energy clear. Eating a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables will help to keep your energy clear and revitalized. These foods have tons of white light and are excellent for raising your vibration. This is also connected to tip 3. Fruits and veggies do wonders for digestion and excretion. 

**TIP!: If you are unable to eat a lot of fruits and veggies, bless your food with white light and positive intention.

5. Sage

This method can be used to cleanse the energy of a living space, an object and yourself. Waft the smoke around your body with the intention of removing negative energies. Sage helps to calm and relax the body as well.

6. Sea Salt Baths

These baths are great for cleansing your energy because they draw out toxins from your body. It helps to bring the body and spirit back into alignment. Notice that many things that are good for cleansing the physical body, are also good for cleansing the spirit and your energies.

7. Exercise

Exercise is wonderful for releasing stagnant energies from your body. Cardio with a bit of anaerobic exercise is a good combination. Notice the amount of clarity that you feel after exercising. You may very well feel as though a weight has been lifted off of you.

8. Archangel Michael and the White Light

You can call on Archangel Michael both for protection and cleansing. Visualize him using white light to cleanse every cell, organ and muscle in your body. See him replacing any negative energies with white light. Imagine that you are surrounded with white light at the end of the session. Some people like to use a cobalt blue energy to surround themselves with...that's great too.

9. Black Tourmaline and Shungite

These stones are great for cleansing your aura of all negative energies and also keeping your aura protected. The energy of Shungite is heavier than black tourmaline which makes it a great grounding stone. Grounding is important for protecting your energy.

10. Connect with Nature

Get outside, go for a walk and breathe in the fresh air. Staying inside stagnates your energy. We are beings that need sunlight and fresh air. You can also talk to nature and ask it to cleanse your energy..whether you talk to the trees, the grass or the air itself.  (Yes this is possible as the earth is a living being)

BONUS TIP: Meditate on a regular basis to keep yourself balanced and in sync.

As a final note, you can protect your energy by calling in your angelic team and calling in the white light to protect you before you leave the house.

I hope this post gave you some creative ideas that you can use to cleanse your energy. See you again soon :)

Love and Ascension,


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tips on Clearing Your Space

Cleansing and clearing your space is very important. I feel that having a room or house that has stagnant energy can prevent new, abundant and loving energies from flowing through. Just for those who are unaware, clearing your space consists of ridding it of unwanted energies. See some of the tips I posted for clearing the energies in your home. I will post ways to cleanse your own energy next post:

Smudging: This is probably the most popular method. Smudging consists of burning a specific herb or resin while moving around the space with the intention of clearing all stagnant energies and lower vibrational spirits. I like to move in a counterclockwise direction while smudging as this is said to calm down the energies in the room. Most people use white sage to smudge their homes. I personally like to use Frankincense and Myrrh most of the time. You can also use Dragon's blood, Lavender, Cedarwood and Sweetgrass. 

White Candles: You can use white candles and light them with the intention of clearing and protecting your space. Imagine the white light radiating to all corners of the room and affirm that the space is cleared and protected. Your intention is VERY important when doing anything spiritual in nature, so be sure to believe in the power of your words and thoughts.

Archangel Michael: Calling on this powerful angel to help you cleanse your area and even your own energy is very effective. Call on Archangel Michael and ask him to cleanse the area of any stagnant, lower vibrational energies and keep the room safe and secure.

Cleaning: It may sound very simple...that's because it is haha. Cleaning is a vital component in keeping your room free of icky, unwanted energies. The more cluttered a room is, the more lower vibrations will get stuck in the space. It is important to clean your room of any clutter, garbage, dust, etc. This will keep the room fresh and light. As a sensitive, I notice a great difference entering a room that is clean, as opposed to entering a room that has not been cleaned. The energy is much heavier in a dirty room and it can overwhelm your own personal energy. Keep this in mind :)

Bell Ringing: This method can be used to"vibrate" negative energies away. You can ring the bell all throughout the space. I notice it's also great for realigning my own energy. 

Crystals: Crystals are a great way to raise the vibration of a space. Clear Quartz and Selenite work wonderfully. Also consider purchasing a Himalayan Salt lamp. This is a wonderful tool for keep the energy clear and at a higher vibration.

Sea Salt/Black Salt:  Sea salt is a great way to remove negative energies from your room. In the home, it can be used near windows, around doorways, and even around houses. Some use combinations of black salt and regular sea salt to increase the potency.

Plants: For some reason, my guides were pushing me to post this so I thought I'd do it haha. I am sensing that bringing the energy of nature into a room can help keep the energies fresh in the space. I feel it works very well especially when the room has just been cleaned. They can be plants or flowers.

I hope this post has helped understand how to effectively clear your space. Next post, I will be talking about ways to cleanse the aura. 

Love and Ascension,


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What to Expect for the Month of November

Hi everyone. I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've had to go through my own life transitions, changes and lessons. I felt guided to post a reading for the month of November, especially since I've been hearing so much conversation about it. I pulled 4 cards from my Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Deck and asked for guidance from my spiritual helpers. Here are the messages I received:

While I was shuffling, I saw the number 5. I sensed a lot of strong changes happening in the month of November which may feel overwhelming. I also heard that this is a time to really get in touch with ourselves and figure out what it is we truly want for our own lives. Meditation will help us maintain inner peace during this time

The first card I picked was the Protection card. I am sensing that this card brings with it the energy of safety and security. We may be called upon to make changes or take chances this month. This may lead to us taking a path that is beyond what we're used to which can feel like walking down a path through a dark forest. We may feel a bit unsure or uneasy about the decision to do this as it feels like a shot in the dark. This card says to be assured that, whatever decisions you feel you need to make, know that you will be protected and guided through them. If you ever feel ungrounded and unsafe, you can ask Archangel Michael for protection and surround yourself in golden light.

The next card I picked was the Soulmate Relationship card. I sense a lot of strong, deep and new relationships coming for the month of November. I am attracted to the spirals in this card which tells me that they will be intense and long lasting. These relationships will be beyond the surface and will guide us into new, positive experiences further into the future. These loved ones will be helping us along our paths. I feel that these partners will also assist in some much needed healing. Those who are already in a relationship will experience a deepening of their bonds.

The third card I picked was Time to Move On. From this card I get a sense that a lot of clearing and cleansing will be done. This cleansing will be physical and may include some emotional release through tears and perhaps anger for some. The energy that comes with this card feels very peaceful however which tells me that releasing any old energies will ultimately bring an energy of resolution and eventually tranquility. I am hearing the wind as I look at this card which tells me that "the winds of change" will be coming shortly after this release. There will be much consideration about what it is we really want to hold on to. What is it that is truly serving us? That will be the question.

The last card I picked is Break Free. I am sensing it's related to the previous card as it has to do with undoing the shackles that have held us prisoner for some time. Whatever we were committed to before, we will be leaving behind if we are ready. I sense that this will be primarily related to career. I feel that our guides will be helping us to think outside of the box and try doing things to help us prosper that perhaps, we have not tried before. This may cause some anxiety or uncertainty, but this takes us back to the first card...know that you will be guided through all your decisions.

I hope these messages helped you have a better idea of what will be the focus of November. Love and more love to you all <3

Love and Ascension,


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Exercise and How It Relates to Spirituality

When I first began delving into spirituality and spiritual work, I didn't understand the importance of physical health and how it was pertinent to spiritual health. The spiritual and physical bodies are directly connected and because of this it's important to keep the physical body healthy.

 There are many factors correlated to physical health but today, I want to talk about exercise. When we start to become more connected to source energy, channels that were once disconnected or never existed at all, begin to awaken. Your psychic abilities begin to expand as you begin to connect with yourself which is the same as being connected with source energy. You begin to see the world from a brighter and wider perspective. Subjects and situations that may have never presented themselves before, may very well come to the surface now for you to integrate, embrace or deal with. 

Once these channels begin to connect and become active, you may notice that holding onto stagnant energy feels draining and tends to drag your energy along. Stagnant energy has no place in a body that is growing, flourishing and awakening. The energy will now begin to block the channels that have become awakened and cause bouts of cloudiness and confusion. Blockages will begin to form and cause agitation in certain areas of the body. Anxiety is a common result of blockages and stagnant energy. In my experience, the heart was the most vulnerable area for traumas and blockages. When I joined a psychic development course, I noticed that my psychic abilities were growing but at the same time, that which was unresolved was also coming to the surface to be healed. Because I was having a hard time dealing with the shadow aspects of myself rising to the surface, I didn't take time to exercise. All I wanted to do was lay down and not do anything. This was probably the worst thing to do during this time. Not releasing the energies that were surfacing caused my psychic abilities to become clouded and led to disorientation. I felt overwhelmed and unable to do practice readings efficiently. Guidance through clairaudience just became a jumble of words that were difficult for me to understand. When I took the time out one day to exercise, I felt so much better. Exercise, especially cardio, helps to raise the heart rate which in turn removes blockages and gives room for the stagnant energy to move out of the body. Once I was done exercising, I found that my psychic impressions were stronger, my visions were clearer and my connection to source overall was better. 

 A word of caution to those healing traumas. Since exercise is clearing your channels,  it will make it easier for your higher self to let you know when something needs to be healed. Whatever needs resolving will now stare you directly in the face. Not a bad thing of course but it might be torture for those who are struggling to heal themselves. However, these issues will be resolved quicker now that you've moved the stagnant energy out of the body. You'll be able to have a fresh perspective on life, gain clarity, and move on to the next stage in your development. 

Love and Ascension,

Saiedah <3

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Psychic Abilities-How to Recognize Them

We all have a certain level of psychic intuitive ability. How much they are expressed depends on our ability to embrace them and our past life evolution. Here are some ways you can determine exactly which psychic abilities are the strongest.


Clairvoyance is the ability to see that which is beyond the physical realms of existence. Clairvoyant people tend to be very visual. People that have strong clairvoyance have very vivid dreams which are typically in full color and may or may not be prophetic in nature. They may have visions that manifest during meditation, while giving readings or simply randomly through the day. These visions may be of the past, present or future. It is important to note that it is very easy to confuse visions with thoughts created by the individual. Acknowledging this ability can help in discerning visions from regular thoughts. If this ability is strongly developed, the individual will see auras. Many times, they see lots of colors and patterns while their eyes are closed. 


The ability to hear that which is beyond the physical plane would be categorized as clairaudience. Those with strong clairaudience tend to have very fine tuned hearing and can hear the smallest notes and nuances in music. They will hear high pitched tones and frequencies during the day. It is important to note that when clairaudience is awakening, it may feel that the pressure in the ears is changing leading to a feeling of stuffiness. Strong clairaudient people will often hear "voices" but they are not the same as hearing physical voices. The guidance that comes via clairaudience sounds very different since it is coming from a higher vibration. When the person's higher self or guides really want to get the point across, they'll often shout, leaving very little room for confusion on the part of the person. Those with clairaudience must pay attention to the voices they're hearing and use discernment. If the messages aren't of love, they aren't of the higher self.


To be claircognizant is "to know". Those with claircognizance just know what is true or not true. The guidance often just "pops" into the person's head and while they may not know where it's coming from, it feels right to them. I find that this ability is often combined with a gut feeling. It is important to recognize the difference between gut feelings rooted in fear and those stemming from psychic ability. Gut feelings that are intended for the person's survival cause pain and discomfort, while those stemming from the higher self may cause very little discomfort combined with a "settled" feeling. I have come to this conclusion after several years of utilizing claircognizance.


Clairsentient people's psychic abilities are connected to their physical and emotional bodies. People with clairsentience feel things very intensely as their bodies are sensitive to a variety of vibrations and frequencies. They often feel chills, tingles, a feeling of lightness or heaviness, chills and gut feelings. Emotionally, clairsentient beings are very sensitive, which connects to empathetic abilities. They absorb the vibrations and energies of other people and sometimes confuse these emotions as being their own. Those with clairsentience may be very heart centered and find it difficult to do things which are outside the realm of comfort for them. It is important for clairsentient people to acknowledge their feelings.


This ability consists of smelling outside of the physical realms. People with this ability often smell odors that have nothing to do with their current environment. They are able to smell the essence of a spirit through this ability.


Those with clairgustance can psychically taste. They are able to taste foods and possibly body fluids such as blood that are not related to them depending on what kind of information is being transmitted.


The ability to have contact with the spirit world describes the ability of Mediumship. How this ability comes through will depend on which psychic abilities are strongest in the person. Those with strong clairvoyance will see the spirit either in their physical form through the third eye, through orbs of light in the peripheral vision or the being may indeed manifest before them. If the person has a strong clairaudience, they will hear the being's voice. Clairsentient beings will feel the spirit's presence or, if a spirit of a deceased loved one, will feel how the person felt when they passed and how they're feeling now. How spirits communicate will depend on the abilities of the medium.

I hope this has helped some of you recognize which abilities you have. Continue to embrace your abilities as this will help them grow and flourish.

Love and Ascension,


Friday, July 18, 2014

Signs from the Angels: How to Know When An Angel Is Present

I believe every one of us has an angel that is guiding and protecting us through our daily lives. When you're going through a transition or life lesson, the angels love to make their presence know. Here are some ways I've learned to recognize the presence of angels:

1. Seeing feathers

I remember a time when I was doubtful about seeing feathers in the presence of angels. I had never seen them and I was wondering if this were really true. Well, during a rough time in my life, I was walking home from the park. I was eating some candy and I was stopped abruptly by something on the sidewalk. It was a huge white feather. Something in me felt tingly and I just knew it was a sign that my angels were near.

2. Feeling the air pressure change

Typically, before I go out, I say a prayer to my angels for protection against lower vibrational energies. I also surround myself in white and violet light and affirm that I'm protected and safe. One day, I was finishing up this routine, and felt the air in front of me change. Someone was standing there. It felt like like waves and particles of energy materializing in front of me. I knew someone was going to be heading out the door with me. This indeed felt like an angel.

3. Seeing pictures, sculptures or the names of angels in interesting places.

As I was reading in the basement, something told me to look to my right. There I saw a pendant hanging up on the wall by a nail. When I turned the pendant over, it had a picture of Archangel Michael on his horse slaying the devil. I had NEVER seen this pendant before, so it was strange that I would all of a sudden see it. I believe they told me to look at this pendant for a reason.

4. Big orbs of light appearing in your peripheral vision.

I was in the middle of conducting a distant reading for someone in my room. The room was dark at the time and sometimes I will keep the lights off because it just feels better. All of a sudden, I saw a burst of white light in my left field of vision. I said to myself "Did you see that?" I was stunned. It was definitely an angel.

5. Seeing triple numbers....almost everywhere you go.

After my awakening, I began to see triple and quadruple numbers. Sometimes the numbers would change depending on what stage of my life I was in but they were always there. 11:11 was the number that awakened me. 5:55 was the number that foreshadowed big changes. 4:44 still appears frequently to let me know the angels are around. Sometimes angel numbers appear as 1:44, 1:55, 7:11, etc. Either way, they are all signs from your angels.

6. Hearing songs on the radio

During a major life transition, I was riding in my dad's car and on the radio I heard. "Don't worry, this is only the beginning of the journey". Another instance is where I kept hearing the song "Explosions" by Ellie Goulding with a verse that says "Things will never be the same". The songs really seem to pop when a life lesson or life transition is occurring. 

7. Receiving guidance in your head 

This one is a sign that most people miss. If you hear guidance pop up in your head, know that it is your team of angels guiding you.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Method for Grounding

The more spiritual you become, the more your vibration increases and the more you will need to ground yourself. You may be ungrounded if you feel confused, spacey, dizzy, forgetful, tired or easily stimulated. Here's one method I use for grounding my energy

Rooting Method:

1. Sit or lie down in a quiet place

2. Take 3 slow deep breaths

3. Imagine yourself on green grass, sitting with your tail bone directly on the earth

4. Imagine that there are roots extending from your bottom and going into the earth. The roots start off big, and as they go deeper into the earth, become smaller.

5. Keep imagining this until you see hundreds roots in the earth. They are now firmly planted in the earth's core.

6. Imagine that these roots are now illuminated with white light

7. See yourself slowly turning into a sturdy tree. Affirm that you are grounded and at peace.

I've been using this method to help me ground before meditation and it seems to work well for me. I hope it works well for you too :)

Take care!

Saiedah <3

Psychic Library Website

For anyone who is interested in knowing more about all kinds of spiritual topics, is a great website for learning about anything spiritual or occult related. I found this site some time ago and thought I'd share it. They even have a page where you can receive oracle and tarot readings. Anything you want to learn the basics about is right there. Click the link above the picture to take a look :)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Starseeds and Their Energy. What Do Different Types of Starseeds Feel Like?

First of all, what is a starseed? A starseed is a human with a soul that has incarnated on other planets whether before incarnating their first time on earth or between earth lives. Sometimes, it is this soul's first incarnation on earth and other times, the soul has been incarnating in dozens of bodies on earth since the beginning of time; these are considered to be ancient starseeds. Starseeds are very evolved spiritually and often have a wide range of abilities. They are highly intuitive and sensitive to their surroundings. Physically they do not have any specific attributes but the energy behind the eyes is particularly strong. Many starseeds know that they are not originally from earth and often feel a yearning to "go home". In time, they realize that they are on the earth by choice and have a mission to fulfill while they are here.

 I notice that different starseeds carry a different energy signature. While many starseeds do not have just one DNA/soul imprint, it is possible to sense the variety of energies that they hold within them. Below, I provide my understanding of starseed energy signatures and what they may feel like to a sensitive person. I'm touching on starseeds on earth and the energies of the star beings when I feel them through the higher realms. You may find that the qualities seem to mix or apply to more than one group, which is common.This is just based on my experience as a starseed and Intuitive Counselor:

Pleiadian Starseeds:

These starseeds carry a very gentle, soothing and loving energy. They are extremely open and receptive in nature. I notice that Pleiadian starseeds have an energy that is soft, celestial, and compassionate. They almost sparkle from the inside out and feel as though they have the entire universe radiating from inside them. Pleiadian starseeds are comfortable with being emotional and expressing love. When I communicate with them through channeling, it's a warm, pleasant and casual energy which makes you feel as if you are talking to a friend. I feel a lot of shades of blue when I connect with their energy.

Arcturian Starseeds:

The energy of Arcturian starseeds is quite different than that of other star beings. Arcturians give me the impression that they are very focused beings. They are much more serious and determined. Technological energy is very strong within them and they have a sense of structure. Arcturian starseeds have a very spiritual and evolved essence. I feel as though their vibrations are more so connected with dark matter compared to other star beings. Of course, this is not a bad thing. This is my way of expressing that they have a more solid and firm energy rather than being soft and delicate.

Arcturian Bust by Cynthia Crawford, ET Sculptor

Lyran Starseeds:

Royal, regal and upstanding- This is the best way to describe the Lyran energy. These beings know exactly how great they are on a soul level. Even if you meet an incarnated Lyran starseed with self esteem issues, you'll still feel this regal, confident energy about them. Lyrans radiate brightly and are held in high esteem spiritually. I feel a lot of gold and white when I communicate with the Lyrans through telepathy.

Andromedan Starseeds:

The energy of the Andromedan starseeds is very ethereal, magical and whimsical. Interestingly, the incarnated Andromedans feel as though they have just stepped out of a cosmic fairy tale. These starseeds are very mental and do a lot of dwelling and pondering. They are not structured in their energy like the Arcturians but still feel very cognitive in nature, holding a vast amount of wisdom and understanding. Incarnated Andromedans are very open and feel very spongy; they absorb a lot of energy around them (most starseeds do but Andromedans seem to carry this as one of their most prominent signatures). I feel a lot of purple and pink energy when I communicate with the Andromedans in the higher dimensions.

Orion Starseeds:

 I haven't met that many Orion starseeds but I figured I'd touch on them anyway. These starseeds have a strong, grounded energy. Similar to Arcturians, I feel their energy as being a bit darker and more sturdy. The incarnated Orions that I met felt rational, structured and practical. These beings have a nice, solid foundation.Their energy feels like an olive green mixed with a deep purple. 

Anunnaki Starseeds:

Similar to the Orions, I have not come across many Anunnaki starseeds (to my knowledge), but I figured they should be acknowledged. When encountering the incarnated Anunnaki, they feel very ancient, grounded and wise. I feel that they have highly active lower chakras, unlike some starseeds that have upper chakras that are wide open with the lower chakras being a bit deficient. If you've ever felt the energy of a lapis lazuli, garnet or jasper stone, this is what the essence of the Anunnaki resonates closely with in my experience. I personally have always loved the energy of the Anunnaki. 

Sirian Starseeds:

From what I have experienced with Sirian energy, I feel as though they are very righteous and just beings. I feel that they want to uphold the rights and privileges of all beings and people. They have this primordial, sacred energy that makes me feel like they hold ancient secrets and reveal them to certain people at the right moment. I feel like incarnated Sirians are always in search of esoteric and cosmic knowledge.

I have not connected with some of these star races on a higher dimensional level but plan to in the future. I really enjoy feeling the energies the different star beings have.

Please check out my website and Etsy shop on the side menu if you'd like to receive a Star Origins Reading or Starseed Past Life Reading. These readings are so much fun to give and even more fun to receive ^_^

Take care!

Saiedah <3