Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How to Manifest Financial Abundance

Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Today I want to touch on ways to manifest financial abundance. Manifesting money is not just about working, like many people believe. Your mind must be in the correct state to manifest that which you desire. Below I've listed some tips that have worked for me and still work for me. Try them and see if they work for you as well :)

1. Prayer: We often see the word prayer and believe this is synonymous with begging. Prayer is simply setting an intention and releasing it to God and the Universe. As a matter of fact, begging will only create a blockage in manifesting abundance because it is based in the emotion of worry, fear, anxiety, etc. Pray when you are relaxed (perhaps after meditation) and affirm that your prayers will be answered. Words and feelings carry vibration so keep them positive and carefree. Keep in mind that prayers are not always answered in the way we'd expect so be open to all solutions to your problems or concerns.

2. Let Go: When you set an intention or say a prayer to receive money, let go of this intention. Once you state an intention, the universe "grabs a hold of it" and starts working on it. Worrying and picking at the intention will only serve to create a blockage in your energy. Set your intention, allow the universe to work it out, then be open to receiving solutions and the answer to your prayers.

3. Visualization: Visualization is an important step when it comes to manifesting anything that you desire. See yourself in a state of abundance and feel how you would feel if you received the money that you want. When you visualize yourself receiving money, make it a believable amount..start small if you need to. You need to believe in your visualization in order for it to work. You'll know if you believe in your visualization or not based on how you feel. Do you feel relaxed? Heavy? Unsure? You should always feel at ease with what you're visualizing.

4. Do Something You Love: Yes, feeling joy is a great way to manifest money. Feeling happy and joyous opens up your energy and allows it to receive more of the same. This goes for work and career as well. I know times are tough, but if you find you're at a crossroads as to what to do in terms of your career, choose that which brings you joy. That which brings you joy is part of your life purpose. When you follow your life purpose, you will begin to attract the money and assistance needed to support you on your journey.

5. Wear Green Aventurine, Citrine or Tiger's Eye gemstones: These stones have been said to bring forth abundance and prosperity. Sit with each stone to see which one resonates with your energy before purchasing. There are many other stones that help attract financial abundance, so see which ones you feel drawn to.

6. Call on the Angels/Deities of Prosperity: Angels and deities known to bring prosperity are Archangel Ariel, Archangel Raphael (associated with healing and abundance), Goddess Abundantia, Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Green Tara. Build a relationship with the angels and deities you feel drawn to.

7. Express Gratitude: This is the 7th tip but by far one of the most important steps you can take to manifest financial abundance. Always be grateful for what it is you already have. It can be difficult to do this if we're in a state of turmoil, but know that expressing gratitude will always attract more things to be grateful for. If you find it hard to express gratitude about your financial situation, find something else to be grateful for. Notice your feelings once you express gratitude...it opens your heart and your spirit, which is the key to receiving wealth in all it's forms.

8. Work with the Phases of the Moon: On a more physical level, working with the moon phases has given myself and others wonderful results with manifesting money. This will be an abundance/prosperity ritual done on the waxing moon. I prefer to do this on the Thursday before the moon becomes completely full. You'll need a green candle (white works well also if you charge it with intention), Money Drawing Oil or Patchouli Oil, a green aventurine gemstone and a clear quartz point. Anoint the candle with the oil while also stating your intention aloud and focusing on the desired results (visualization is very important here!). Call in Archangel Raphael, Goddess Abundantia or any other prosperity angels/deities, to help you manifest your desires. Surround the candle with the stones. I put the green aventurine on one side of the candle and the clear quartz on the other side with the point facing the green aventurine. Light the candle and allow it to burn all the way through. You can also create your own ritual and use different stones, oils, deities, etc. Do what works for you.

I hope that these tips on manifesting financial abundance will serve you well on your journey. Take care!

Love and Ascension,



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