Monday, January 26, 2015

Surviving the Reiki Cleanse Period

Hi everyone. This post is geared to all my Reiki enthusiasts, practitioners and masters. I'd like to talk about ways to survive the 21 day Reiki cleanse period. For those that have been attuned to Reiki, you have an idea of what I am referring to. If you're a Reiki enthusiast and are thinking of becoming attuned to Reiki, allow me to explain. 

Reiki is a beautiful energetic healing modality from Japan that is designed to heal the mind, body and spirit on a holistic level. Reiki when broken down translates to mean "Universal Life Force Energy".This energy is channeled through an attuned Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master to the client. Once you become attuned to Reiki, the energy will begin to cleanse your body of all toxins, parasites, lower vibrational energies and thoughts or beliefs that are no longer serving you. This occurs because the energy is trying to bring you into a state of balance so you may be a clear channel for Reiki energy. The day you are attuned, you begin the cleanse period that continues for approximately 21 days. The energy moves through each of your energy centers, cleansing and balancing them, raising your vibration to a higher level. While the go-to number for the cleanse period is usually 21 days, depending on your resistance to the cleanse or your effort to assist in the process, it could continue beyond the 21 day time frame. I usually tell others that Reiki will take as long as it needs to to achieve optimal balance in all aspects of your being. Also note that this will not be the only cleanse you'll experience as a Reiki Practitioner or student. Once attuned, you are attuned for life, so any changes you make to your life will trigger a cleanse cycle. You'll be in a constant state of healing and repair as the energy attempts to keep you in balance. 

Are you thinking of being attuned to Reiki? Have you just been attuned? Here are some ways to make it through the cleanse period:

1. Take it Easy: It is important that you be very gentle on yourself during the cleanse period. You may be extra sensitive and fragile at this time. Be kind to yourself and nurture yourself through the process. The symptoms may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Some may experience nothing at all. Have patience and know that all will be well.

2. Know That It's Ok to Be Confused: Reiki tends to bring a lot of old thought patterns, beliefs and experiences to the surface so they may be addressed, cleared and released. This means you may have to re-experience an event or series of emotions if they were not totally and properly processed the first time. Keep in mind that this is a purging and it is for your own good as these energies no longer serve you.

3. Remember, Relationships May Change or Need Changing:  Perhaps you are in a relationship with someone that you felt was right for you, but all of a sudden realize that things have changed. Maybe your spiritual growth has put you two at different levels of development, or maybe you realize you deserve better. As your vibration rises, you may notice people and relationships falling away. These people no longer vibrate at your frequency so they cannot remain in your life. If they are not willing to grow with you, they will have to continue their journey without you. Keep this in mind during your cleanse.

4. Know That You Are Not Obligated to Do Anything:  You are not forced to make any changes you are not comfortable making. Reiki can only assist in areas of your life that you give it permission to. In other words, it can help in balancing an aspect of your life, but it's up to you to follow through with finalizing the changes. It is important to note, however, that resisting the urge to make changes can cause immense amounts of agitation and emotional turmoil. Move at your own pace but remember that if you move too slowly, the Universe may instill the change for you...whether you like it or not.

5. Listen to What Your Body Needs: If you find it necessary to be alone, please acknowledge your need for quiet time. Spend time engaging in self care practices such as exercise, journaling, meditation or sneaking in extra naps during the day. You may feel more tired than usual during a cleanse as your body releases blockages. This is an exhausting experience so do not resist the urge to rest if needed. If your body craves chocolate, feel free to have some in moderation. Don't feel guilty for taking care of yourself. Self care is a wonderful expression of self love.

6. Drink Lots of Water:  I cannot stress this enough, especially for those that are already extra sensitive individuals.This is so important for guiding any toxic energies out of your system. Drink lots of water during the day to keep your spirit from being overwhelmed by anything that is in the process of being released.

7. Practice Reiki on Yourself Everyday, Even after the 21 Day Time Frame:  One mistake I made was I stopped practicing self treatments after the 21 day period. This was primarily done out of fear, as I wasn't pleased with the upheaval that Reiki was causing. I made a conscious decision to stop treating myself so the torment would end. Even when it feels like the world has been turned upside down, continue treating yourself everyday. You want to keep your energy centers clear and moving...this will help keep things from getting backed up which could in turn create a blockage. Continue to practice self treatments as a daily form of self care.

I hope these tips will help you get through a Reiki cleanse period as much as they've helped me. Always remember to call on your angels for assistance!!
Take care <3

Love and Ascension,


Check me out on Youtube for my monthly oracle readings!

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