If some of you are surprised at this post, please be aware that I have been using candle magick for some time now. This isn't something new for me. In fact, using magick is a part of my everyday routine. We don't realize how much magick we're actually using on a daily basis. Every time you think a thought, affirm a belief or say a prayer, you are using magick. While some might disagree, I believe this to be true since the only tool that needs to be used for magick to work is your mind! This is the most powerful tool in magick, so take this into serious consideration. Magick is useless without your belief and intention. The guidelines listed below are steps that I have personally taken when doing candle magick. There really is no set way to conduct a spell so do what you feel guided to. So let's get started:
So let's say you want to do candle magick to manifest love into your life. Let's go over the steps you must take to carry this out.
1. Be Clear on What You Desire- An important step for manifesting your dreams into reality is being crystal clear on what it is you want. It is easier for the Universe to manifest your desires if you state in your head what you want and stick with it. Be sure this is what you want and don't compromise. If you want a new relationship that brings you joy and happiness, make this clear.
2. Check the Moon Phase. Make Sure the Moon Phase Coincides with Your Intention- For magick associated with love, success, money or happiness, conduct your spell during the waxing moon. For spells involving banishing or decreasing a certain habit or occurrence, conduct it during the waning or dark moon.
3. Conduct Your Spell on the Appropriate Day- Each day coincides with a certain life theme or life aspect. If you want to manifest love, conduct your spell on Friday which is associated with the planet Venus. If you want to manifest money, conduct your spell on Thursday, which is associated with the planet Jupiter. Some people would rather conduct their money spells on Friday. I tend to do money spells on Thursday and usually see fantastic results...do what feels right for you. I will post a link at the bottom showing the days of the week and which spells to do on each day.
4. Get a Candle with the Proper Color- So if you'd like to manifest love, I'd say pick up a pink or red candle. If you'd like to increase romance, passion, lust and sexuality, the red candle would be beneficial. Pink is a wonderful color as it can be used to increase self love and create strong romantic love. In fact, if I had to pick a color for a love spell, it would be pink. Remember that we must love ourselves before we can attract the proper mate. For spells such as these, I would recommend purchasing chime candles. They burn for only a few hours and hardly drip.
5. Get the Appropriate Herbs, Oils and Incense- For love, you want to get herbs, oils and incense such as rose buds, patchouli, chamomile or lavender. If I wanted to manifest money, I could also use patchouli,along with sassafras or cedar berries. Get loose herbs and/or incense and one oil of your choice.
6. Purchase the Appropriate Gemstones- For love, Rose Quartz can be used. Morganite is another wonderful stone for attracting and maintaining love. You can buy these gemstones in any form you like. For some, using chips is easier. You can also buy some heart shaped stones for the spell. Cleanse your stones with sage or energy work before using them.
7. Find a Psalm That Suits Your intention- I personally use psalms to enhance the power of my spells. This isn't a required step. If it's something you're interested in incorporating into your spells, I recommend purchasing The Psalm Workbook as this gives psalms and also small spells for a variety of intentions.
So now that you have all your materials, let's get started on the spell itself.
1. Take a Bath- It's best to conduct spells when you're all showered and clean.
2. Meditate for a Few Minutes- If you find your brain is filled with scattered thoughts, take some time to meditate, clear your mind and get focused.
3. Sage Your Space and Yourself- Cleanse the area you will be doing the spell in. Sometimes I use sage and also sprinkle holy water with the intention of surrendering all negativity and stagnant energy to the Divine. Surround yourself in Divine, loving white light with the intention of shielding your energy. Now would be a good time to light your incense if you bought any.
4. Break out Your Bible and Read the Appropriate Psalm- When I have finished reading the psalm, I call on the name of Jehovah and voice my intention to help strengthen the power of the psalm.
5. Call in the Appropriate Angels and Goddesses for Your Spell- For love, Archangel Chamuel, Goddess Guinevere and Goddess Aphrodite would be appropriate. For some, calling on Erzuli Dantor would be suitable. You can call on your angels and goddesses as often as you want during your spell working. I do it in the beginning, middle and towards the end.
6. Create an Intention Card- This isn't required but it is an option. Create a card with your intention on it to place underneath the candle holder. An example of a good intention would be "I now manifest an abundance of love and joy into my life. I allow my heart to be open to unconditional love from the Divine and from others". Keep this to the side until you're ready to use it.
7. Sprinkle the Loose Herbs on Your Altar or Ritual Area- Keep your intention in mind when you do this.
8. Anoint Your Candle with the Oil of Your Choice, Focusing on Your Intention- This is an important step. Put the oil on the tips of your fingers. Hold the candle in your left hand. With your right hand, start from the center of the candle and move your oiled fingers up the candle, focusing closely on your intention. Focus on your intention and also associate some emotion with your intention. Feel now, how you would feel if love were to manifest in your life (happy, joyful, excited, etc). Now take the candle in your right hand and move your left fingers down from the center of the candle...again focusing on your intention. It doesn't matter which hand you start with. If you want you can also meditate with your candle in hand for a few more minutes as you focus on what you want. If you are attuned to reiki, charge your candle. Place the candle in a proper candle holder. If you made an intention card, place this under the candle holder first.
9. Place the Gemstones around the Candle On Your Altar Space- Place your cleansed gemstones around the candle holder.
10. If You Like, Surround Your Prepared Space in White Light before Lighting the Candle.
11. Light the Candle and Let it Burn down All the Way. Don't Blow it Out.
After your spell is complete, don't stress or worry about whether the spell will work or not. Release your intention into the ethers and allow the Universe to do it's job.
Here is the link for spells for each day of the week :) http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/days-of-the-week.htm
I hope this post will assist you in manifesting your desires through the power of candle magick. Take care :)
Love and Ascension,
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