Tuesday, January 20, 2015

When You're Afraid of Dreaming-How to Handle Dreams

Greetings everyone. Today I'd like to touch on the topic of dreams. The focus of this post will not be dream interpretation. I'd prefer to focus on how to handle your dreams. One thing I find is the most draining for people that have vivid or scary dreams, is not necessarily the interpretation of the dream, but the focus on the dreams themselves. I found myself spending all day determined to figure out what my dreams meant, but in reality, I was too scared to research the symbols and find out anyway. I didn't know what my dream meant nor did I want to know...the dream scared me and the meaning might too so I just wallowed in my anxiety. I've observed this pattern occurring frequently in those that are especially sensitive as they tend to have anxiety issues. So below, I've listed some tips on why you shouldn't obsess over your dreams and ways to handle them:

Try Not to Fear or Obsess over Your Dreams Because: 

1. They Are Dreams: I'm not saying that dreams have no meaning or weight, quite the contrary actually. Dreams hold a lot of meaning for us and reflect our hopes, fears and desires. Spirits and angels use the astral/dream world as way to communicate with us during sleep as we're in a more relaxed state. There is a difference however between acknowledging a dream and obsessing over it....there's no need for a dream to ruin your day even if it SEEMED bad. They are still dreams and they have already passed. Pay attention to the present moment and what's happening right now.

2. Your Fear or Obsession Will Create More of the Same Dream:  This was something I had to learn the hard way. I was the type that went into panic mode after having a bad or scary dream. Most will consider that normal, and it kind of is. Be aware that, you don't want to make panic a habit, as it will promote more fear based dreams. Remember that dreams reflect our everyday challenges so if you are afraid of something, it will show itself to you in your dreams.

3. The Dream May Come to Pass in a Different Way than Expected, If at All:  So much time is spent on interpreting dreams. There is a personal dictionary of dream symbols that people seem to acquire over the years that can change depending on life experience. There are also standard dream symbols that work for all dreams and make sense to most people. When I had dreams that I actually chose to analyze, they were interpreted based on my personal symbols and other times through standard symbols. Sometimes they meant what I thought they meant and sometimes not. It was only after noticing this inconsistent pattern that I stopped spending my whole day thinking about what my dreams meant. 

Here's How to Handle Your Dreams:

1. Try Not to Panic: If you do have a seemingly gruesome dream, try to stay calm and breathe. Reorient yourself to your surroundings, affirming that you are safe and secure in your room. I feel a lot of panic and anxiety comes from being in the dream state itself as the heart rate increases. So now it's just coming down from that state. Take a few deep breaths and know that the dream is not your current reality. You're safe.

2. Write Your Dream down in a Journal or Online Document:  I say this not necessarily for interpretation purposes, but as a way to release the energy. This method does help for those looking to interpret their dreams because it allows them to see how the message unfolds in the future. If this is what you're looking for, write the dream down and put on the side what you feel the dream means. I recommend writing your dreams down because it will transfer the energy out of you, helping you to not be overwhelmed by the dream or it's meaning. Even if you feel your dream is prophetic, this still applies. Write the dream down and go about your day. 

3. Know That Not Every Dream Requires Your Interpretation:  Some folks might disagree with this but I'll stand my ground on this one. Main reason why I say this is because dreams can come from a variety of sources. For instance, eating a heavy meal before bed can cause awkward dreams. The same goes for if you're taking certain medications, you have to use the bathroom and never go, or if you're in the process of opening your third eye. Having an active or overactive third eye can cause all sorts of complicated dreams. So many factors can trigger crazy dreams so don't waste energy stressing about it. 

***If you can't handle this and really want to know the nature of your dream, pay attention to how you feel afterwards. Are you panicky? relaxed? emotional? Do you feel as though a blockage has been released or your vibrational frequency has risen? These are all clues that will help you to understand the purpose of your dream and what it could be telling you.

As a final note, let's remember that while dreams can be fun or scary to interpret, frequently they can be a source of assistance for us. Sometimes (not always)  all the interpretation you need is to know how you feel afterwards. Dreams can be used to remove blockages, release pain and even give us comfort in times of need. So when dreams seem scary, release that fear to the Divine affirming that all is well.

Love and Ascension,



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