Monday, May 18, 2015

In the Presence of Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel, one of the powerful angels of the Seraphim, the highest choir of angels. He is the patron of intuition, ideas and creativity, wisdom and insights. This wise, old angel is considered to be the "light of God", radiating with a gold intense light that permeates the energy of the soul. 

I had the privilege and the pleasure of being visited by this angel during my dream state.
I was in a room which was made entirely of gold. This room had tons of storage containers which contained scrolls and other materials suited for scribes. If the hall of Akashic Records had a separate room, this would be it. I was sitting at a golden desk, writing on a long, horizontal sheet of parchment paper and received the impression that I was learning to write the language of Archangel Uriel. Uriel stood behind me, towering over me to see that everything was being written correctly. One of the best ways I could describe him is as an angelic drill sargent.  While he wasn't mean, he was anything but a push over. He gave me strict orders on how to write this language and if he felt something looked off or needed to be changed, he made it known. The language was not understandable to me as they looked like symbols. The symbols made sense to Uriel however, because they needed to look exactly how he wanted them to. Archangel Uriel had to be one of the most intense angels that I have ever experienced.

Archangel Uriel has been with me for some time now, assisting me in transmitting messages to others related to spiritual development and wisdom. 

Should an angel ever visit you in your dreams or during meditation, take heed. They are assisting you with an important task so be open to their energy.

Love and Ascension,


Monday, March 9, 2015

My First ET Visitation-Meeting My Star Family

Hello everyone. This post is a very special one for me as I will be focusing on my first ET (extraterrestrial) visitation. Many people hear "ET visitation" or "ET contact" and automatically visualize a spacecraft hovering over their home then slowly floating down to earth...perhaps then a huge ramp will fold out from the craft and they'll be greeted by a Grey alien or a member of Star Trek. While this may be a true occurrence for some, I can assure you that most of the time, an ET visitation does not happen this way.

Because ETs are higher vibrational, higher dimensional beings, 9 times out of 10, they will not land in front of your house. This is mainly due to the fact that our dimension and atmosphere is dangerous for even if they did come to say hello, they could not stay for long due to impending energetic threat. Many star children experience visitations through the astral realm or 5th dimensional consciousness. 

I am going to tell you the story of my first ET visitation to give you an idea of how contact happens for many Starseed children:

It was the summer of 2012. I had just finished my nightly routine of reiki and meditation and was on my way to bed. I wasn't necessarily tired so I decided to lay in bed for a little while and daydream. As the night went on, I felt myself get very relaxed and enter a state of meditation once again. I stared into the darkness induced by my closed eyelids and listened to the sound of my breathing. Soon, this darkness began to transform in front of me until it turned into the image of a baby in a womb. While this confused me a bit, it didn't break my state of relaxation. To my surprise however, this image again began to transform...until there, in my third eye vision, stood a bald male with piercing eyes, flat lips and pale skin. While he looked human in nature, he emitted a strong cosmic energy that I have never encountered anywhere here on Earth. The energy was so strong that it was almost unbearable...his eyes pierced my soul as if he knew me. Suddenly, I got the impression that this odd looking male had something important to tell me. Because I was in the middle of a life transition and was sensitive to any intuitive information that might be negative, this struck fear into me. What did he want to tell me that I wasn't prepared to hear? I felt the energy build and build but I couldn't handle it. I was too afraid. He must have felt this because telepathically he said to me "Don't be afraid". This did not assist in minimizing my fear so instead of trusting this creature, I dismissed him. "Go away! Go away! I don't want you here!" I mentally exclaimed. As he heard me say this to him with conviction, he faded back into the darkness. I opened my eyes in shock and excitement but also disbelief. Perhaps I made up this whole experience....maybe he didn't even exist and I just created his image in my head. Well as many times as I told myself this, it didn't feel right. There was something to this experience and I needed to find out what that was. I assumed that this being was Arcturian but something within me told me to do more research. I searched online for the appearances of different star people. Within an hour, I came across a being that looked exactly like the man in my vision. I looked at the picture and my eyes scrolled down to the caption "Andromedan". This felt right to me...not only because the appearances matched, but because I was receiving impressions before and after this visitation that confirmed a portion of my energetic DNA is from the Andromeda star cluster.

 I still did not fully trust that I was a star being at the time, but after a few years of receiving confirmation from spiritual teachers and my own star family, I now know this to be true. The key here is to TRUST...Your star family is in your heart, waiting for you to embrace them and embrace your true nature.

Love and Ascension,


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mind Your Words-The Power of What You Say

Today I'd like to touch on the power of the spoken word. A lot of us don't understand the infinite potential our words have to change our lives. What is important to remember however, is our intentions and the emotions behind our words are just as important, if not more important, than the words themselves. 

I was guided to write this post because I came to the realization that words I have spoken have led to energetic blockages and also energetic liberation in my own life. I have observed the same for others. When we tell ourselves things and actually make a commitment to what we say, we're also telling the Universe the same. We've made a decision and we're sticking to Universe, make this happen (or don't allow this to happen). One example is a decision I made to finally release myself from my past traumatic experiences. I've thought to myself before, "I can't allow the past to control me anymore"...and to my disappointment, I saw no results. It was when I finally had enough of the past torturing me, that I decided to do something a little differently. I said aloud "That's it...I'm done. The past is over and done with and I'm tired of allowing it to control me. You're not controlling me anymore...that's it!". I noticed the difference in my words this time. Not only was there strong emotion behind it, but I was finally dedicated to making this decision. I was truly ready to move forward...not only because I had the thought but because I had the conviction. 

The same can apply to someone who chooses to not open themselves to giving and receiving love anymore. Saying "I'm not doing this anymore" and actually energizing those words with anger or grief can cause a blockage in the energy field. We literally close ourselves off to love by doing this...which can be a terrible decision. When love does come along we either reject it or realize it's honesty then have to struggle to pry our hearts back open, which can take time and a lot of work lined with dedication. 

It is in the realization of the power of our words and intentions that we can manifest what we desire in our lives. Be careful what you say as these words have the potential to manifest into reality. 

Love and Ascension,


Check out the Intuitive Oracle Forecast for March 2015!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

When Angels and Deities Visit in Dreams

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! Today, I would like to talk about Divine beings and deities visiting us through the astral plane. Spirits love to come to us during our sleeping hours as we are more relaxed and open to receiving information connected with our truth and life purpose. Dreams in general are a wonderful way for us to get in touch with ourselves...they show us our struggles, our desires, our fears and what may be coming for us in the future. 

There are many categories of dreams that one can have. The most jolting dreams that we can have, however, seem to be those where angels, spirits and deities come to us. When these dreams occur, it's important to pay close attention to the details of what we see, hear and feel. These are not dreams to ignore or brush off as they hold important messages for us in our walking lives.

Some questions you may ask yourself after these dreams are:

Who has come to me in this dream? What is my connection to them?

Why would they come to me at this point in my life?

What instructions have they given me if any?

How did I feel when I was in their presence?

Where were we while the dream was taking place?

It is important to note these details so you can figure out exactly why this dream occurred. An example of a dream related to this was one that I had of me being in a room which seemed to store books and other kinds of literature. This room felt extremely different as it vibrated at a much higher frequency and almost felt regal. I sat at a table with a piece of parchment in front of me and began to write. As I was writing, I received the impression that I was learning to write the language of Archangel Uriel. At the same time, I felt Archangel Uriel standing behind me telling me exactly what to write and how to write it. In fact, he told me what my writing shouldn't look like and corrected me on a few things. In about a week or so, I found out from my teacher that Archangel Uriel is indeed working with me to communicate messages to others through speaking and writing. Spiritually and intuitively counseling others is part of what I do for a living. As you can see, this dream held major purpose for my life and career.

Rest assured, when the angels visit you, it is because they are guiding you through something they feel is vital for your development and the development of those around you. How do you know you're really being visited by an angel? Take note of the vibration...these beings feel drastically different and lighte energetically when compared to spirits of the dead, astral beings or ancestors who in comparison have a heavier vibration. If you are visited by a deceased loved one, their message may be one of comfort, support or confirmation that they are ok where they are. Sometimes we are visited by great, great ancestors whom we never consciously knew in this lifetime but are related to past life experiences. In essence, they all come to us to offer the same overall message "You are not alone". They are trying to get your attention so take heed after experiencing these kinds of dreams.

Love and Ascension,


Monday, February 9, 2015

For Beginners: An Extremely Easy Step to Find Out Past Lives

So today, I want to talk about one very easy way to find out who you were in your past lives. This is more so for beginners or people that are just dipping into the concept of past lives and reincarnation. 

You probably didn't consider this before...perhaps because it was too obvious. This will not give you the details of your past lives but it will give you a general idea of who you were and what you did.

Here's the step that will guide you to your past lives:

Ask yourself right now- "What am I drawn to? What am I afraid of for no reason at all?"

Yes...that's pretty much it. It may sound a bit too simple but this really is a great way to find out general information about past lives. For example, I know someone who has been into crystals and gemstones all their life. They also had a terrible fear of water that they never understood. They loved the water but feared drowning. They came to find out that they had a past life in Atlantis. See the connection?

Another example is someone who was attracted to all things 50's pinup style and loved to dress and do their hair and makeup in the same fashion. Later, they found out that in a past life they dressed the same exact way with the same makeup.

If you're drawn to living a spiritual way a life, rest assured that you've had many lives where you've done the same.

I feel it is very important to trust your heart and your feelings. If you are drawn to something there is a reason for it. If you are afraid of something for no obvious reason, there's a reason for that as well. Don't be afraid to assume that you lived in Ancient Egypt if you feel an affinity for it.

If you still find it hard to trust yourself or if you want more details about a particular past life, then you can also get a reading. I offer Past Life Readings in my shop so if you're interested, have a look :)

Love and Ascension,


In case you've missed it, I posted the Intuitive Oracle Forecast for the month of February!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Using Candle Magick for Manifestation

Hi everyone! Today I'd like to take a different course with my blog and go over some candle magick techniques. These really aren't advanced methods. I like to make things simple for people to do, so this will be an easy way for you to use candle magick to manifest your desires.

If some of you are surprised at this post, please be aware that I have been using candle magick for some time now. This isn't something new for me. In fact, using magick is a part of my everyday routine. We don't realize how much magick we're actually using on a daily basis. Every time you think a thought, affirm a belief or say a prayer, you are using magick. While some might disagree, I believe this to be true since the only tool that needs to be used for magick to work is your mind! This is the most powerful tool in magick, so take this into serious consideration. Magick is useless without your belief and intention. The guidelines listed below are steps that I have personally taken when doing candle magick. There really is no set way to conduct a spell so do what you feel guided to. So let's get started:

So let's say you want to do candle magick to manifest love into your life. Let's go over the steps you must take to carry this out.

1. Be Clear on What You Desire- An important step for manifesting your dreams into reality is being crystal clear on what it is you want. It is easier for the Universe to manifest your desires if you state in your head what you want and stick with it. Be sure this is what you want and don't compromise. If you want a new relationship that brings you joy and happiness, make this clear.

2. Check the Moon Phase. Make Sure the Moon Phase Coincides with Your Intention- For magick associated with love, success, money or happiness, conduct your spell during the waxing moon. For spells involving banishing or decreasing a certain habit or occurrence, conduct it during the waning or dark moon.

3. Conduct Your Spell on the Appropriate Day- Each day coincides with a certain life theme or life aspect. If you want to manifest love, conduct your spell on Friday which is associated with the planet Venus. If you want to manifest money, conduct your spell on Thursday, which is associated with the planet Jupiter. Some people would rather conduct their money spells on Friday. I tend to do money spells on Thursday and usually see fantastic what feels right for you. I will post a link at the bottom showing the days of the week and which spells to do on each day.

4. Get a Candle with the Proper Color- So if you'd like to manifest love, I'd say pick up a pink or red candle. If you'd like to increase romance, passion, lust and sexuality, the red candle would be beneficial. Pink is a wonderful color as it can be used to increase self love and create strong romantic love. In fact, if I had to pick a color for a love spell, it would be pink. Remember that we must love ourselves before we can attract the proper mate. For spells such as these, I would recommend purchasing chime candles. They burn for only a few hours and hardly drip.

5. Get the Appropriate Herbs, Oils and Incense- For love, you want to get herbs, oils and incense such as rose buds, patchouli, chamomile or lavender. If I wanted to manifest money, I could also use patchouli,along with sassafras or cedar berries. Get loose herbs and/or incense and one oil of your choice.

6. Purchase the Appropriate Gemstones- For love, Rose Quartz can be used. Morganite is another wonderful stone for attracting and maintaining love. You can buy these gemstones in any form you like. For some, using chips is easier. You can also buy some heart shaped stones for the spell. Cleanse your stones with sage or energy work before using them.

7. Find a Psalm That Suits Your intention- I personally use psalms to enhance the power of my spells. This isn't a required step. If it's something you're interested in incorporating into your spells, I recommend purchasing The Psalm Workbook as this gives psalms and also small spells for a variety of intentions. 

So now that you have all your materials, let's get started on the spell itself. 

1. Take a Bath- It's best to conduct spells when you're all showered and clean. 

2. Meditate for a Few Minutes- If you find your brain is filled with scattered thoughts, take some time to meditate, clear your mind and get focused.

3. Sage Your Space and Yourself- Cleanse the area you will be doing the spell in. Sometimes I use sage and also sprinkle holy water with the intention of surrendering all negativity and stagnant energy to the Divine. Surround yourself in Divine, loving white light with the intention of shielding your energy. Now would be a good time to light your incense if you bought any.

4. Break out Your Bible and Read the Appropriate Psalm- When I have finished reading the psalm, I call on the name of Jehovah and voice my intention to help strengthen the power of the psalm.

5. Call in the Appropriate Angels and Goddesses for Your Spell- For love, Archangel Chamuel, Goddess Guinevere and Goddess Aphrodite would be appropriate. For some, calling on Erzuli Dantor would be suitable. You can call on your angels and goddesses as often as you want during your spell working. I do it in the beginning, middle and towards the end.

6. Create an Intention Card- This isn't required but it is an option. Create a card with your intention on it to place underneath the candle holder. An example of a good intention would be "I now manifest an abundance of love and joy into my life. I allow my heart to be open to unconditional love from the Divine and from others". Keep this to the side until you're ready to use it.

7. Sprinkle the Loose Herbs on Your Altar or Ritual Area- Keep your intention in mind when you do this. 

8. Anoint Your Candle with the Oil of Your Choice, Focusing on Your Intention- This is an important step. Put the oil on the tips of your fingers. Hold the candle in your left hand. With your right hand, start from the center of the candle and move your oiled fingers up the candle, focusing closely on your intention. Focus on your intention and also associate some emotion with your intention. Feel now, how you would feel if love were to manifest in your life (happy, joyful, excited, etc). Now take the candle in your right hand and move your left fingers down from the center of the candle...again focusing on your intention. It doesn't matter which hand you start with. If you want you can also meditate with your candle in hand for a few more minutes as you focus on what you want. If you are attuned to reiki, charge your candle. Place the candle in a proper candle holder. If you made an intention card, place this under the candle holder first.

9. Place the Gemstones around the Candle On Your Altar Space- Place your cleansed gemstones around the candle holder.

10. If You Like, Surround Your Prepared Space in White Light before Lighting the Candle. 

11. Light the Candle and Let it Burn down All the Way. Don't Blow it Out.

After your spell is complete, don't stress or worry about whether the spell will work or not. Release your intention into the ethers and allow the Universe to do it's job. 

Here is the link for spells for each day of the week :)

I hope this post will assist you in manifesting your desires through the power of candle magick. Take care :)

Love and Ascension,



Monday, January 26, 2015

Surviving the Reiki Cleanse Period

Hi everyone. This post is geared to all my Reiki enthusiasts, practitioners and masters. I'd like to talk about ways to survive the 21 day Reiki cleanse period. For those that have been attuned to Reiki, you have an idea of what I am referring to. If you're a Reiki enthusiast and are thinking of becoming attuned to Reiki, allow me to explain. 

Reiki is a beautiful energetic healing modality from Japan that is designed to heal the mind, body and spirit on a holistic level. Reiki when broken down translates to mean "Universal Life Force Energy".This energy is channeled through an attuned Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master to the client. Once you become attuned to Reiki, the energy will begin to cleanse your body of all toxins, parasites, lower vibrational energies and thoughts or beliefs that are no longer serving you. This occurs because the energy is trying to bring you into a state of balance so you may be a clear channel for Reiki energy. The day you are attuned, you begin the cleanse period that continues for approximately 21 days. The energy moves through each of your energy centers, cleansing and balancing them, raising your vibration to a higher level. While the go-to number for the cleanse period is usually 21 days, depending on your resistance to the cleanse or your effort to assist in the process, it could continue beyond the 21 day time frame. I usually tell others that Reiki will take as long as it needs to to achieve optimal balance in all aspects of your being. Also note that this will not be the only cleanse you'll experience as a Reiki Practitioner or student. Once attuned, you are attuned for life, so any changes you make to your life will trigger a cleanse cycle. You'll be in a constant state of healing and repair as the energy attempts to keep you in balance. 

Are you thinking of being attuned to Reiki? Have you just been attuned? Here are some ways to make it through the cleanse period:

1. Take it Easy: It is important that you be very gentle on yourself during the cleanse period. You may be extra sensitive and fragile at this time. Be kind to yourself and nurture yourself through the process. The symptoms may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Some may experience nothing at all. Have patience and know that all will be well.

2. Know That It's Ok to Be Confused: Reiki tends to bring a lot of old thought patterns, beliefs and experiences to the surface so they may be addressed, cleared and released. This means you may have to re-experience an event or series of emotions if they were not totally and properly processed the first time. Keep in mind that this is a purging and it is for your own good as these energies no longer serve you.

3. Remember, Relationships May Change or Need Changing:  Perhaps you are in a relationship with someone that you felt was right for you, but all of a sudden realize that things have changed. Maybe your spiritual growth has put you two at different levels of development, or maybe you realize you deserve better. As your vibration rises, you may notice people and relationships falling away. These people no longer vibrate at your frequency so they cannot remain in your life. If they are not willing to grow with you, they will have to continue their journey without you. Keep this in mind during your cleanse.

4. Know That You Are Not Obligated to Do Anything:  You are not forced to make any changes you are not comfortable making. Reiki can only assist in areas of your life that you give it permission to. In other words, it can help in balancing an aspect of your life, but it's up to you to follow through with finalizing the changes. It is important to note, however, that resisting the urge to make changes can cause immense amounts of agitation and emotional turmoil. Move at your own pace but remember that if you move too slowly, the Universe may instill the change for you...whether you like it or not.

5. Listen to What Your Body Needs: If you find it necessary to be alone, please acknowledge your need for quiet time. Spend time engaging in self care practices such as exercise, journaling, meditation or sneaking in extra naps during the day. You may feel more tired than usual during a cleanse as your body releases blockages. This is an exhausting experience so do not resist the urge to rest if needed. If your body craves chocolate, feel free to have some in moderation. Don't feel guilty for taking care of yourself. Self care is a wonderful expression of self love.

6. Drink Lots of Water:  I cannot stress this enough, especially for those that are already extra sensitive individuals.This is so important for guiding any toxic energies out of your system. Drink lots of water during the day to keep your spirit from being overwhelmed by anything that is in the process of being released.

7. Practice Reiki on Yourself Everyday, Even after the 21 Day Time Frame:  One mistake I made was I stopped practicing self treatments after the 21 day period. This was primarily done out of fear, as I wasn't pleased with the upheaval that Reiki was causing. I made a conscious decision to stop treating myself so the torment would end. Even when it feels like the world has been turned upside down, continue treating yourself everyday. You want to keep your energy centers clear and moving...this will help keep things from getting backed up which could in turn create a blockage. Continue to practice self treatments as a daily form of self care.

I hope these tips will help you get through a Reiki cleanse period as much as they've helped me. Always remember to call on your angels for assistance!!
Take care <3

Love and Ascension,


Check me out on Youtube for my monthly oracle readings!