Monday, February 16, 2015

When Angels and Deities Visit in Dreams

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! Today, I would like to talk about Divine beings and deities visiting us through the astral plane. Spirits love to come to us during our sleeping hours as we are more relaxed and open to receiving information connected with our truth and life purpose. Dreams in general are a wonderful way for us to get in touch with ourselves...they show us our struggles, our desires, our fears and what may be coming for us in the future. 

There are many categories of dreams that one can have. The most jolting dreams that we can have, however, seem to be those where angels, spirits and deities come to us. When these dreams occur, it's important to pay close attention to the details of what we see, hear and feel. These are not dreams to ignore or brush off as they hold important messages for us in our walking lives.

Some questions you may ask yourself after these dreams are:

Who has come to me in this dream? What is my connection to them?

Why would they come to me at this point in my life?

What instructions have they given me if any?

How did I feel when I was in their presence?

Where were we while the dream was taking place?

It is important to note these details so you can figure out exactly why this dream occurred. An example of a dream related to this was one that I had of me being in a room which seemed to store books and other kinds of literature. This room felt extremely different as it vibrated at a much higher frequency and almost felt regal. I sat at a table with a piece of parchment in front of me and began to write. As I was writing, I received the impression that I was learning to write the language of Archangel Uriel. At the same time, I felt Archangel Uriel standing behind me telling me exactly what to write and how to write it. In fact, he told me what my writing shouldn't look like and corrected me on a few things. In about a week or so, I found out from my teacher that Archangel Uriel is indeed working with me to communicate messages to others through speaking and writing. Spiritually and intuitively counseling others is part of what I do for a living. As you can see, this dream held major purpose for my life and career.

Rest assured, when the angels visit you, it is because they are guiding you through something they feel is vital for your development and the development of those around you. How do you know you're really being visited by an angel? Take note of the vibration...these beings feel drastically different and lighte energetically when compared to spirits of the dead, astral beings or ancestors who in comparison have a heavier vibration. If you are visited by a deceased loved one, their message may be one of comfort, support or confirmation that they are ok where they are. Sometimes we are visited by great, great ancestors whom we never consciously knew in this lifetime but are related to past life experiences. In essence, they all come to us to offer the same overall message "You are not alone". They are trying to get your attention so take heed after experiencing these kinds of dreams.

Love and Ascension,


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