Monday, February 9, 2015

For Beginners: An Extremely Easy Step to Find Out Past Lives

So today, I want to talk about one very easy way to find out who you were in your past lives. This is more so for beginners or people that are just dipping into the concept of past lives and reincarnation. 

You probably didn't consider this before...perhaps because it was too obvious. This will not give you the details of your past lives but it will give you a general idea of who you were and what you did.

Here's the step that will guide you to your past lives:

Ask yourself right now- "What am I drawn to? What am I afraid of for no reason at all?"

Yes...that's pretty much it. It may sound a bit too simple but this really is a great way to find out general information about past lives. For example, I know someone who has been into crystals and gemstones all their life. They also had a terrible fear of water that they never understood. They loved the water but feared drowning. They came to find out that they had a past life in Atlantis. See the connection?

Another example is someone who was attracted to all things 50's pinup style and loved to dress and do their hair and makeup in the same fashion. Later, they found out that in a past life they dressed the same exact way with the same makeup.

If you're drawn to living a spiritual way a life, rest assured that you've had many lives where you've done the same.

I feel it is very important to trust your heart and your feelings. If you are drawn to something there is a reason for it. If you are afraid of something for no obvious reason, there's a reason for that as well. Don't be afraid to assume that you lived in Ancient Egypt if you feel an affinity for it.

If you still find it hard to trust yourself or if you want more details about a particular past life, then you can also get a reading. I offer Past Life Readings in my shop so if you're interested, have a look :)

Love and Ascension,


In case you've missed it, I posted the Intuitive Oracle Forecast for the month of February!

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