Monday, May 18, 2015

In the Presence of Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel, one of the powerful angels of the Seraphim, the highest choir of angels. He is the patron of intuition, ideas and creativity, wisdom and insights. This wise, old angel is considered to be the "light of God", radiating with a gold intense light that permeates the energy of the soul. 

I had the privilege and the pleasure of being visited by this angel during my dream state.
I was in a room which was made entirely of gold. This room had tons of storage containers which contained scrolls and other materials suited for scribes. If the hall of Akashic Records had a separate room, this would be it. I was sitting at a golden desk, writing on a long, horizontal sheet of parchment paper and received the impression that I was learning to write the language of Archangel Uriel. Uriel stood behind me, towering over me to see that everything was being written correctly. One of the best ways I could describe him is as an angelic drill sargent.  While he wasn't mean, he was anything but a push over. He gave me strict orders on how to write this language and if he felt something looked off or needed to be changed, he made it known. The language was not understandable to me as they looked like symbols. The symbols made sense to Uriel however, because they needed to look exactly how he wanted them to. Archangel Uriel had to be one of the most intense angels that I have ever experienced.

Archangel Uriel has been with me for some time now, assisting me in transmitting messages to others related to spiritual development and wisdom. 

Should an angel ever visit you in your dreams or during meditation, take heed. They are assisting you with an important task so be open to their energy.

Love and Ascension,


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