Thursday, November 20, 2014

How to Cleanse Your Energy

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their week. Today I'd like to touch on the topic of aura cleansing. Whether you realize it or not, we as energetic beings, tend to pick up on the energies of others. This is especially true if you are an extra sensitive person. Empaths and Intuitives must cleanse their auras more often because they pick up on energies a lot easier. One thing I notice that can happen when the aura is not cleansed, is a feeling of being anxious and overwhelmed. This can be due to someone else's anxiety that has been absorbed or it could be from the wide variety of emotions being absorbed during the day. If they are not released, they can cause anxiety. 

Below are some tips to cleanse the aura and also some ways to shield yourself from picking up on more than you can handle:

1. Drink water...lots of it

One thing I notice cleanses the energy quite well is water. Most people probably don't drink enough water during the day. I know many times I have to remind myself or have someone else remind me to drink water. Remember that we are made up of mostly water. Our physical and spiritual bodies are connected so if the physical body is experiencing something, the spiritual body will be affected. Water is a wonderful way to cleanse your physical and spiritual body of toxins, waste material and unwanted energies. A good friend of mine named Dainichi Lazuli once told me that drinking water is like ingesting white light. Keep that in mind. You will notice the difference in your energy after drinking enough water during the day.

**HINT!: Psychics and Intuitives often tap into the solar plexus chakras. Water keeps the solar plexus clean and working well.

2. Take a Shower

Yes, taking a shower haha. This is a very good method for energy cleansing. This can't be any old shower however. It must be a shower with intention and visualization. Take a shower and visualize the water removing all the heavy, unwanted energies from your body and spirit. See all of these energies going down the drain.

3. Use the Bathroom

Oh yes, I have found this to be true. This is another reason why drinking water is important as it helps to flush your kidneys and other vital organs. When I say use the bathroom, I am hinting towards number 1 and number 2. I find keeping the kidneys and intestines clean is a great way to help cleanse the aura and raise your vibration. Pay attention to how your belly feels. See if  there is a connection between your vibrational level and your last....uhmm..deposit ^_^

**This is something that is wonderful for maintenance/keeping your energy clear long term. 

4. Eat Fruits and Veggies

Food is a very important component when it comes to keeping your energy clear. Eating a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables will help to keep your energy clear and revitalized. These foods have tons of white light and are excellent for raising your vibration. This is also connected to tip 3. Fruits and veggies do wonders for digestion and excretion. 

**TIP!: If you are unable to eat a lot of fruits and veggies, bless your food with white light and positive intention.

5. Sage

This method can be used to cleanse the energy of a living space, an object and yourself. Waft the smoke around your body with the intention of removing negative energies. Sage helps to calm and relax the body as well.

6. Sea Salt Baths

These baths are great for cleansing your energy because they draw out toxins from your body. It helps to bring the body and spirit back into alignment. Notice that many things that are good for cleansing the physical body, are also good for cleansing the spirit and your energies.

7. Exercise

Exercise is wonderful for releasing stagnant energies from your body. Cardio with a bit of anaerobic exercise is a good combination. Notice the amount of clarity that you feel after exercising. You may very well feel as though a weight has been lifted off of you.

8. Archangel Michael and the White Light

You can call on Archangel Michael both for protection and cleansing. Visualize him using white light to cleanse every cell, organ and muscle in your body. See him replacing any negative energies with white light. Imagine that you are surrounded with white light at the end of the session. Some people like to use a cobalt blue energy to surround themselves with...that's great too.

9. Black Tourmaline and Shungite

These stones are great for cleansing your aura of all negative energies and also keeping your aura protected. The energy of Shungite is heavier than black tourmaline which makes it a great grounding stone. Grounding is important for protecting your energy.

10. Connect with Nature

Get outside, go for a walk and breathe in the fresh air. Staying inside stagnates your energy. We are beings that need sunlight and fresh air. You can also talk to nature and ask it to cleanse your energy..whether you talk to the trees, the grass or the air itself.  (Yes this is possible as the earth is a living being)

BONUS TIP: Meditate on a regular basis to keep yourself balanced and in sync.

As a final note, you can protect your energy by calling in your angelic team and calling in the white light to protect you before you leave the house.

I hope this post gave you some creative ideas that you can use to cleanse your energy. See you again soon :)

Love and Ascension,


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tips on Clearing Your Space

Cleansing and clearing your space is very important. I feel that having a room or house that has stagnant energy can prevent new, abundant and loving energies from flowing through. Just for those who are unaware, clearing your space consists of ridding it of unwanted energies. See some of the tips I posted for clearing the energies in your home. I will post ways to cleanse your own energy next post:

Smudging: This is probably the most popular method. Smudging consists of burning a specific herb or resin while moving around the space with the intention of clearing all stagnant energies and lower vibrational spirits. I like to move in a counterclockwise direction while smudging as this is said to calm down the energies in the room. Most people use white sage to smudge their homes. I personally like to use Frankincense and Myrrh most of the time. You can also use Dragon's blood, Lavender, Cedarwood and Sweetgrass. 

White Candles: You can use white candles and light them with the intention of clearing and protecting your space. Imagine the white light radiating to all corners of the room and affirm that the space is cleared and protected. Your intention is VERY important when doing anything spiritual in nature, so be sure to believe in the power of your words and thoughts.

Archangel Michael: Calling on this powerful angel to help you cleanse your area and even your own energy is very effective. Call on Archangel Michael and ask him to cleanse the area of any stagnant, lower vibrational energies and keep the room safe and secure.

Cleaning: It may sound very simple...that's because it is haha. Cleaning is a vital component in keeping your room free of icky, unwanted energies. The more cluttered a room is, the more lower vibrations will get stuck in the space. It is important to clean your room of any clutter, garbage, dust, etc. This will keep the room fresh and light. As a sensitive, I notice a great difference entering a room that is clean, as opposed to entering a room that has not been cleaned. The energy is much heavier in a dirty room and it can overwhelm your own personal energy. Keep this in mind :)

Bell Ringing: This method can be used to"vibrate" negative energies away. You can ring the bell all throughout the space. I notice it's also great for realigning my own energy. 

Crystals: Crystals are a great way to raise the vibration of a space. Clear Quartz and Selenite work wonderfully. Also consider purchasing a Himalayan Salt lamp. This is a wonderful tool for keep the energy clear and at a higher vibration.

Sea Salt/Black Salt:  Sea salt is a great way to remove negative energies from your room. In the home, it can be used near windows, around doorways, and even around houses. Some use combinations of black salt and regular sea salt to increase the potency.

Plants: For some reason, my guides were pushing me to post this so I thought I'd do it haha. I am sensing that bringing the energy of nature into a room can help keep the energies fresh in the space. I feel it works very well especially when the room has just been cleaned. They can be plants or flowers.

I hope this post has helped understand how to effectively clear your space. Next post, I will be talking about ways to cleanse the aura. 

Love and Ascension,


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What to Expect for the Month of November

Hi everyone. I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've had to go through my own life transitions, changes and lessons. I felt guided to post a reading for the month of November, especially since I've been hearing so much conversation about it. I pulled 4 cards from my Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Deck and asked for guidance from my spiritual helpers. Here are the messages I received:

While I was shuffling, I saw the number 5. I sensed a lot of strong changes happening in the month of November which may feel overwhelming. I also heard that this is a time to really get in touch with ourselves and figure out what it is we truly want for our own lives. Meditation will help us maintain inner peace during this time

The first card I picked was the Protection card. I am sensing that this card brings with it the energy of safety and security. We may be called upon to make changes or take chances this month. This may lead to us taking a path that is beyond what we're used to which can feel like walking down a path through a dark forest. We may feel a bit unsure or uneasy about the decision to do this as it feels like a shot in the dark. This card says to be assured that, whatever decisions you feel you need to make, know that you will be protected and guided through them. If you ever feel ungrounded and unsafe, you can ask Archangel Michael for protection and surround yourself in golden light.

The next card I picked was the Soulmate Relationship card. I sense a lot of strong, deep and new relationships coming for the month of November. I am attracted to the spirals in this card which tells me that they will be intense and long lasting. These relationships will be beyond the surface and will guide us into new, positive experiences further into the future. These loved ones will be helping us along our paths. I feel that these partners will also assist in some much needed healing. Those who are already in a relationship will experience a deepening of their bonds.

The third card I picked was Time to Move On. From this card I get a sense that a lot of clearing and cleansing will be done. This cleansing will be physical and may include some emotional release through tears and perhaps anger for some. The energy that comes with this card feels very peaceful however which tells me that releasing any old energies will ultimately bring an energy of resolution and eventually tranquility. I am hearing the wind as I look at this card which tells me that "the winds of change" will be coming shortly after this release. There will be much consideration about what it is we really want to hold on to. What is it that is truly serving us? That will be the question.

The last card I picked is Break Free. I am sensing it's related to the previous card as it has to do with undoing the shackles that have held us prisoner for some time. Whatever we were committed to before, we will be leaving behind if we are ready. I sense that this will be primarily related to career. I feel that our guides will be helping us to think outside of the box and try doing things to help us prosper that perhaps, we have not tried before. This may cause some anxiety or uncertainty, but this takes us back to the first card...know that you will be guided through all your decisions.

I hope these messages helped you have a better idea of what will be the focus of November. Love and more love to you all <3

Love and Ascension,
