Monday, March 9, 2015

My First ET Visitation-Meeting My Star Family

Hello everyone. This post is a very special one for me as I will be focusing on my first ET (extraterrestrial) visitation. Many people hear "ET visitation" or "ET contact" and automatically visualize a spacecraft hovering over their home then slowly floating down to earth...perhaps then a huge ramp will fold out from the craft and they'll be greeted by a Grey alien or a member of Star Trek. While this may be a true occurrence for some, I can assure you that most of the time, an ET visitation does not happen this way.

Because ETs are higher vibrational, higher dimensional beings, 9 times out of 10, they will not land in front of your house. This is mainly due to the fact that our dimension and atmosphere is dangerous for even if they did come to say hello, they could not stay for long due to impending energetic threat. Many star children experience visitations through the astral realm or 5th dimensional consciousness. 

I am going to tell you the story of my first ET visitation to give you an idea of how contact happens for many Starseed children:

It was the summer of 2012. I had just finished my nightly routine of reiki and meditation and was on my way to bed. I wasn't necessarily tired so I decided to lay in bed for a little while and daydream. As the night went on, I felt myself get very relaxed and enter a state of meditation once again. I stared into the darkness induced by my closed eyelids and listened to the sound of my breathing. Soon, this darkness began to transform in front of me until it turned into the image of a baby in a womb. While this confused me a bit, it didn't break my state of relaxation. To my surprise however, this image again began to transform...until there, in my third eye vision, stood a bald male with piercing eyes, flat lips and pale skin. While he looked human in nature, he emitted a strong cosmic energy that I have never encountered anywhere here on Earth. The energy was so strong that it was almost unbearable...his eyes pierced my soul as if he knew me. Suddenly, I got the impression that this odd looking male had something important to tell me. Because I was in the middle of a life transition and was sensitive to any intuitive information that might be negative, this struck fear into me. What did he want to tell me that I wasn't prepared to hear? I felt the energy build and build but I couldn't handle it. I was too afraid. He must have felt this because telepathically he said to me "Don't be afraid". This did not assist in minimizing my fear so instead of trusting this creature, I dismissed him. "Go away! Go away! I don't want you here!" I mentally exclaimed. As he heard me say this to him with conviction, he faded back into the darkness. I opened my eyes in shock and excitement but also disbelief. Perhaps I made up this whole experience....maybe he didn't even exist and I just created his image in my head. Well as many times as I told myself this, it didn't feel right. There was something to this experience and I needed to find out what that was. I assumed that this being was Arcturian but something within me told me to do more research. I searched online for the appearances of different star people. Within an hour, I came across a being that looked exactly like the man in my vision. I looked at the picture and my eyes scrolled down to the caption "Andromedan". This felt right to me...not only because the appearances matched, but because I was receiving impressions before and after this visitation that confirmed a portion of my energetic DNA is from the Andromeda star cluster.

 I still did not fully trust that I was a star being at the time, but after a few years of receiving confirmation from spiritual teachers and my own star family, I now know this to be true. The key here is to TRUST...Your star family is in your heart, waiting for you to embrace them and embrace your true nature.

Love and Ascension,


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mind Your Words-The Power of What You Say

Today I'd like to touch on the power of the spoken word. A lot of us don't understand the infinite potential our words have to change our lives. What is important to remember however, is our intentions and the emotions behind our words are just as important, if not more important, than the words themselves. 

I was guided to write this post because I came to the realization that words I have spoken have led to energetic blockages and also energetic liberation in my own life. I have observed the same for others. When we tell ourselves things and actually make a commitment to what we say, we're also telling the Universe the same. We've made a decision and we're sticking to Universe, make this happen (or don't allow this to happen). One example is a decision I made to finally release myself from my past traumatic experiences. I've thought to myself before, "I can't allow the past to control me anymore"...and to my disappointment, I saw no results. It was when I finally had enough of the past torturing me, that I decided to do something a little differently. I said aloud "That's it...I'm done. The past is over and done with and I'm tired of allowing it to control me. You're not controlling me anymore...that's it!". I noticed the difference in my words this time. Not only was there strong emotion behind it, but I was finally dedicated to making this decision. I was truly ready to move forward...not only because I had the thought but because I had the conviction. 

The same can apply to someone who chooses to not open themselves to giving and receiving love anymore. Saying "I'm not doing this anymore" and actually energizing those words with anger or grief can cause a blockage in the energy field. We literally close ourselves off to love by doing this...which can be a terrible decision. When love does come along we either reject it or realize it's honesty then have to struggle to pry our hearts back open, which can take time and a lot of work lined with dedication. 

It is in the realization of the power of our words and intentions that we can manifest what we desire in our lives. Be careful what you say as these words have the potential to manifest into reality. 

Love and Ascension,


Check out the Intuitive Oracle Forecast for March 2015!!